Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun Weekend

We have had such a fun (and busy) weekend! It all started on Friday afternoon. Aubrey Kate and I were playing outside and found a ladybug (aka: "badybug"). For those of you who don't know, Aubrey Kate has been our little ladybug since before she was born. Michael bought her a little ladybug charm for her baby bracelet the Christmas before she was born. From there, everything has been ladybugs! Her room, her clothes, etc... So, finding this ladybug was fun.

Next event was Friday night. Elmo was in town (at Miskelly furniture store!). Of course we had to go see the real, live Elmo. Aubrey Kate was a little timid at first, so I had to be in the picture with her, but she warmed up and even ended up giving him a kiss! Also, she got to ride the carousel with her daddy.

On Saturday morning, Aubrey Kate and I ran in the Wellsfest 5k in Jackson. One of my favorite things to do is run with her. She loves to sit in her jogging stroller and watch everyone and say "hey" to the sweet workers who give us water! Saturday afternoon we went to visit papaw and mamaw Ables in Benton (michael's dad's side of the family). They were excited to see Aubrey Kate. That evening we went out to eat with Michael's mother's side of the family.

Today is Sunday and we had a great morning at church. Now, Aubrey Kate is napping well because she is totally exhausted from her fun weekend!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day at the range.

here is my target from yesterday. this is about 60 yards with the .22 mel got me for graduation. nothing to send to 'guns and ammo', but shure fun doing it. still trying to get a good feel for the trigger.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Teachable Moments

Papaw Gavin "accidentally" left $10 in our Tahoe. When I called to ask him about it, he said, "give it to Aubrey Kate." So, I took the opportunity to begin teaching her about money. I explained to her what it was and how it could be used. She (we) decided to spend some at the Dollar Store, save some, and give some to the Church. She ended up picking out some Elmo stuff (of course) and buying a little happy for her dada too.

The Great Outdoors

There are so many fun things to do outdoors. Yesterday, Michael was off so we took Aubrey Kate and Lucy for a walk. Lucy is a lean, mean, fetchin' machine. She loves to fetch in an open field or the water. Aubrey Kate loves to watch her and will occasionally throw her a ball. Also, we have started walking around the block a few evenings a week. Aubrey Kate started out really slow, but is getting the hang of it and can almost make it around the whole block!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Morning at the Park

Now that it's not 100+ degress outside, we will be spending more time at the park. We went this morning and Aubrey Kate had a blast! She LOVES to swing and slide! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

flower beds

we've lived in our house for three years and very little has been done w/our landscaping, except for sweet michael keeping the grass cut and edged. so, with aubrey kate at her gran and grandpa's for the weekend, i decided to work in the flowerbeds. after a nice morning of sleeping in, waffles, and a nap, i got started. what began as just simply pulling some weeds turned into a complete demolition of the front flowerbed. now that i've gotten myself into this project, i'll have to somehow find the time to finish it w/in the next few weeks. so, if you drive by any time soon, don't be disappointed in what you see. hopefully, we'll have it fixed up cute for fall, w/a little display of pumpkins, mums, and a scarecrow for picture taking.

have a nice rest of the weekend!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


The Elmo fan club....

J.T. & Aubrey Kate